For over 60 years Italian quality and Design
The LE.GA. SpA today
The LE.GA. Spa today has 7 production lines: Natural-style rattan line, pet accessories, storage organizer, freezer and microwave containers, kitchen supplies, dustbins and cleaning and bathroom items, vases and garden planters. LE.GA. SpA has consolidated significant market share over the years.
Collaborators with thirty years of experience and a management attentive to the continuous evolution of the needs of the final consumers have meant that the motto "Innovative by Tradition" represents the best the philosophy of business management of the third Generation of the Letteriello family after 60 years of activity.

Customizing products at 360 degrees

The LE.GA. Spa is able to satisfy the innumerable market needs, putting at the service of the final customer a high degree of personalization of the products and a service at 360 ° of the highest level with a catalogue of more than 350 articles.
Thanks to a high level of productivity and flexibility we are able to satisfy in the fastest possible time the requests of our partners, needs that sometimes arise a bit ' by chance but need rapid time of realization and organization logistics to High performance.